Nattie & Hazel Nut's Adventures

New England Adventures: Western Mass, Berkshires, Vermont, New Hampshire… Oh My!

The second and third legs of our Tour a la New England brought us through Western Mass on Sunday and Vermont/New Hampshire on Monday. Lots of miles. Lots of exploring. Lots of dead trees. Unfortunately my padre came up too late to see the colors of Fall in full bloom…. but we did get to see some. Just not on this part of the trip.

We did make it to see the Appalachian Trial, Berkshires, Wine Tasting, and small town USA.

Western Mass, USA

Sunday morning we ate a simple breakfast home, cappuccino a la Nattie and set off for the Berkshires. Not really knowing WHAT we were 1. to expect and 2. where we were going that was a bit of a challenge. However we just piked a town on my GPS and went for it. Along the way we ran across the Appalachian trail… My dad being a hiking junkie we stopped… Really I had to due a U-turn on a 2 lane road and back track to the trail head. With ice and snowy spots on the ground. Yeah. That was totally save. Good thing we’re in the middle of nowhere so we were safe. However, there’s one random car parked at the trail head. Curious.


Anyways, we took the opportunity to snap photo op… but not to hike. It was 30* out!!! No thanks. Please the grounds still rain soaked… with icy patches. Nope nope double nope.

IMG_1746Once we defrosted we continued along our journey to the Berkshires. Personally I don’t know what the fuss is all about. However, I have a feeling we didn’t actually go to the right spot. It was fun outing… just not all that stimulating. Plus, again, we didn’t time this travel right. We hit the dead tree time of year. Oops. 

We were also looking for a lunch spot and came up empty. Hmm. Well meal skipped, but we definitely found GRAPES! Of the drinking variety. Yesss. Wine Tasting here we come. SO excited for this. AND Hazel was allowed to come in. Win. Double Win.

The first winery wasn’t half bad… I still miss my rolling hills of vines. #vinelife But this IMG_1747place will do for now. We hit up 2 wineries. The second place I put the Nut in her working dog vest… Partially because the first place wanted to pet her, um no. And partially because it was crowded and I didn’t want to have us turned away. My working girl quickly remembered her training and stuck to the job at home. Sleeping at my feet while we enjoyed some wines. The second winery wasn’t wines I’d purchase, but I could/would go again. But. . . theres a catch to NE wine tasting. 1. You can only taste on the weekends…ummmm okay. 🙁 2. They’re closed for winter months. Double :'(.

My plan to cleanse my hatred of New England came and… then swiftly went. Apparently life stops around here after December. Yay. Great. That’s SO. NOT. HELPFUL.

Post Wine Tastings we hit the grocery store for dinner menu items. Again the Nut doing her worker bee job. Great job showing g’pa how you are with your little vestie. Then home for dinner, more wine, and cake. Boom. Cue sick to my stomach for eating… too much.

Yeah. My dog is so well behaved… Epic photo dodger


Vermont & New Hampshire

Monday brought new travels, new states, and new sights. We got a late start to the day due to my to do list. But once we got started we quickly nixed the idea of traveling to the OwtAJCqtSqCzJeB5gQV6Ng“must see” sights in Vermont. They were too far to make it and get anything done during our travels. So we set out for a brewery randomly picked on the map. Harpoon Brewery in Vermont. It was decent food, ok gluten free cider, and awesome setting. The floor include a wood burning stove that heated the place… a little too well. I definitely dressed for cold weather… and had to shed all the layers once seated inside. But inside was better than ordering inside and carrying it outside. We brought Hazel, so we were a bit worried that they wouldn’t be welcoming to my working dog. Thankfully they were. She even earned a compliment for being a good dog 🙂


Next we crossed the longest wooden bridge in America to drive into New Hampshire. IMG_1758

It’s pretty impressive. I mean look at that thing. . . It has to survive the brutal winters of New England… but besides that… it also has had to withstand the monstrous amount of RAIN this region has received this year. While I don’t actually know if Vermont/New Hampshire are drowning in rainstorms like we are down south… but holy moly it’s been a WET fall.

Luckily our drives around the New England area have been clear, sunny, and dry. Up until this last day when I had to drive Dad back to the airport. Cue the NEVER. ENDING. RAIN. I can’t wait for rain to be done, but I’m … not sure I’m ready for the snow either. Double Yikes.